Reset at 4 PM CET. Lobby Expedition (can stack up to 24h), 1 free Quick Expedition per day.
Buy necessary items from Elisabeth according to your needs.
Use your 1 free summon and pet summon.
Complete Boss Raid 3 times a day.
Spend 10 minutes per day in Stonehendge, can stack (up to 120min).
Need to summon 1 boss for daily quest in Stonehendge (you might want to skip this to save your summon tickets) (no time used when fighting a boss).
Complete Gold and XP dungeon 3 times per day.
Defeat Dragon Nidhogg once per day (reward is fixed - 5 claws per fight).
Participate in the Event (5 minutes, does not stack).
After doing all of the above, dismantle at least 5 equipments to complete all your daily quests.
Go into town and kill all chickens to loot them. 1 chicken appears every 2 hours (can randomly drop a golden egg that gives 200-400k gold).
Cook if needed (recommended) in the crafting menu, unlocked after lvl 50.
Have up to 6 conversations per day.
Collect your daily free 10 diamonds.
Check all daily purchases according to your needs.